Friday, September 9, 2011

PVC Cube Has Many Uses

PVC cubes have many uses. For example:
  • Throw fabric over a large cube to create a play house for kids
  • Glue a PVC sheet or similar material over the top for a small table
  • A very small one can be a plaything or holiday ornament
  • Etc
To create a cube, you need twelve (12) equal-length pieces of PVC pipe and eight (8) three way connectors.

  1. Create a square by connecting four pieces of PVC pipe with four connectors. The remaining opening of each connector should face upward.
  2. Repeat step 1 to create an identical square.
  3. Connect the squares by inserting the remaining pipes between the remaining openings.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Football Goal

You will need: One 5' long PVC pipe, four 2' long PVC pipes, 2 elbow connectors and a T connector.
  1. Lay the 5 foot section of PVC pipe on the ground.
  2. Swab the inside of the middle opening of a T connector with PVC cement and push it on to one end of the 5 foot section.
  3. Swab the inside of the other T connector openings. Push a 2' PVC pipe into each opening.
  4. Swab the inside of one end of a 90 degree elbow connector. Press one onto the end of both 2' PVC pipes.
  5. Swab the remaining connector opening and insert the remaining two 2' PVC pipes.
  6. Allow the PVC cement to fully dry. Dig a small hole and bury the end of the  football goal into the ground for stability.